
Pranav Journal of Fine Arts – Quarterly Online Journal

Scope of the Journal

This Journal covers the following disciplines under the title ‘Journal of fine arts’

  • The Journal covers all branches in Music and Dance
  • Art and Painting
  • Sculpture
  • Architecture
  • Historical Monuments (Archeology)
  • Astronomical aspects (cosmic sound)
  • Philosophical aspects (as an Inter discipline approach)
  • Religious reflections in Music
  • Musical Literatures and Musicology
  • Comparative studies in Oriental and accidental with Asian Music
  • Ethnomusicology
  • Ancient Manuscripts written in leaves in Sanskrit and other languages
  • Reviews and critical Studies
  • Abstracts of Ph.D. thesis from various Universities
  • Interviews with eminent artists
  • Special focus on Tamil music and Tamil literature
Purpose of the Journal
  1. To Publish articles received from research scholars
  2. To give a brief account of project reports
  3. To promote the writing skills of finearts lovers
  4. To encourage the students understanding ability through analytical and critical approach
  5. To give reviews on work of excellence
  6. To give exposure to untrodden literature